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Investigating the Iron Level in Produced Enriched Flour of West Azerbaijan Province, North West of Iran

562-565Full Text

Kamran Dehghan, Naser Ghazanfarirad, Jafar Asadzadeh, Farah Zeynali, Aghakhan Kheiri and Mahmoud Bahmani*

Anemia is a common disease in Iran and more than half of the causes of anemia are due to iron deficiency. In this regard, flour fortification with iron is one of the strategies chosen by the iron deficiency anemia in Iran. In this study monitoring of enriched flour was preformed. During the spring, summer and autumn of 2012 a number of 341 samples from 17 brands from produced flour in West Azerbaijan Province was collected and sent to a lab for measurement of qualitative (spot test) and quantitative iron of flour samples. The results showed that from 341 samples only 14.36 percent still suffer from iron deficiency. Awareness of amount of iron in flours for consumers achieving standard is essential for the prevention of iron deficiency anemia.

Marginalization in John Maxwell Coetzee’s Disgrace

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Jamal Nejat* and Fateme Yaghoobi

Today in many countries that experience colonization, marginalization can be seen as not only a phenomenon after colonization but also it is recognized as both historical continuity and change. Life after independence in many ways is characterized by the persistence of many of the effects of colonization. Subaltern and marginality are the two important postcolonial subjects; which are mostly concerned with women and their limitations, they can be used in different aspects of human life and mostly in postcolonial contexts. Reasons of being in margin and its consequences which affect the forming of characters and their way of life in the society are discussed in this paper. The perception and description of experience as marginal is a consequence of the structure of various kinds of dominant discourses such as patriarchy, imperialism and ethno-centrism. And also for better understanding of subjects subaltern is highlighted in postcolonial context.


572-577Full Text

Mohammad Reza Pourmir

By today's standards, early microprocessor-based systems were simple, not least because they typically employed only a single processor (possibly with a few co-processors, such as a floatingpoint co-processor) with a relatively simple instruction set running at low clock frequency. This processor communicated with a small number of comparatively simple memory and peripheral devices by means of a single 8-bit or 16-bit data bus with a simple read/write and signaling protocol. Those days have long gone. There is currently a tremendous growth in the development of systems that involve tens or hundreds of complex processors and hardware accelerators in closely coupled or networked topologies. In addition to tiered memory structures and multi-layer bus structures, these super systems - which may be executing hundreds of millions to tens of billions of instructions per second - feature extremely complex software components, and this software content is currently increasing almost exponentially. Aggressive competition makes today's electronics markets extremely sensitive to time-to-market pressures. This is especially true in consumer markets such as cell phones, where the opportunity for a new product to make an impact can sometimes be as little as two to four months. However, a recent report showed that more than 50 percent of embedded system developments run late, while 20 percent either fail to meet their requirements specifications or are cancelled in their entirety. The problem is that, in conventional system development environments, hardware design precedes software development. This sequential process simply cannot support the development of today's super systems. This article first introduces examples of super systems and outlines the problems presented by increasing system size and complexity. The concept of architecture-driven design based on the use of virtual system prototypes (VSPs) is then discussed as a potential solution. Finally, a productivity, development time, and risk comparison is made between the back-end engineering resource loading associated with the conventional environment and the front-end loading resulting from the architecture-driven, VSP-based methodology.

Product of Soluble Minimax Groups

578-583Full Text

B. Razzaghmaneshi

In this paper we show that if the group G=A1…At be the product of finitely many pairwise permutable abelian minimax subgroups A1,…,At. Then G is a soluble minimax group.


584-587Full Text

Marzieh Ghobadi Pour

Learning platform as a tool of educational technology helps teachers and students in teaching- learning process. Not only is it practical in education but also it improves everyone to its career in every aspects and useful for him/her.

‘Thick Description’ of Indian Cultural Signs in E. M. Forster’s A Passage to India

588-593Full Text

Maryam Khalili* and Bahman Zarrinjooee

The purpose of the present paper is to deal with Edward Morgan Forster’s (1879-1970) A Passage to India (1924) based on the cultural theories of Clifford Geertz (1926-2006). Geertz redefines culture as ‘Webs of Significance’ or ‘Symbolic System.’ He clarifies that symbolic actions and signs are the key for interpreting cultures effectively. Culture involves a worldview, a religious belief, ethos and ritual. Having an eye on the theory of ‘thick description’, this paper focuses on the interpretation of the local conventions, context, significance, intentions and social networks in Forster’s A Passage to India. In this regard, the paper sheds more light on the layers of meaning embedded in Indian symbolic cultural signs such as the Mosques, Marabar Caves and Temples. Forster decodes the significance of Hindu rituals and provides a thick description of cultural events, as a labyrinth, based on Hindu worldview. He flattens out a very complex description of the signs by examining the systems of perception that inform them. Finally, this paper clarifies Forster’s narrative as a process of detailed decoding through the web of concepts, local conventions and individual motives that make the Indian isolated signs meaningful.

Evaluation the Tools of Financing in the Entrepreneurial Projects of Cooperation Sector (Empirical Study: Mazandaran Province)

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Ali Akbar Alizadeh Shirsavar*, Ebrahim Yousefpour and Ghasem Alijannejad Baei

This study aims was to clarify the tools of financing in entrepreneurial projects of Cooperatives, Labour and Social Welfare administration, Mazandaran province, Iran. The study tool is a questionnaire based on the structural equation modelling (SEM). The sample study was includes the 125 admin of top and elite managers of Mazandaran province. We used SPSS and Lisrel software for data analysis. Results showed that personal capital and debt methods are dominant in financing of entrepreneurial projects in Mazandaran province, while an internal sources and shareholders' right (Shares) methods has not any use by managers. Capital resources and internal capital resources of financial tools are not used. Therefore, using this financing method, not only financial resources develop but also the risks of the financial resources decrease in the cooperative companies. The results showed that the use of personal savings and selling personal assets to finance the cooperative companies had the highest application rate.

Training Facilities in Using Educational Technology- a Meta-analysis

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Marzieh Ghobadi Pour

Through meta-analysis, this study analyzes the relationship between the Lack of Necessary and Appropriate Training Facilities and the non-use of Educational Technology by Teachers of Schools and Universities in Iran. An extensive search for relevant published and unpublished studies carried out and found 51 studies on Obstacles in Using Educational Technology in the process of teaching and learning in the Education Systems of Iran from 1993 to 2009. 19 research studies with inferential statistics were chosen. The results indicated that the Lack of Necessary and Appropriate Training Facilities had a lot of influences on not using Educational Technology by Teachers of Schools and Universities and it was a big obstacle for using it.

The clergy’s reaction to the cultural policies of Reza Shah

609-612Full Text

Omolbanin Mir* and Amir Dabiri Mehr

Reza Khan was recognized as the first king of the Pahlavi dynasty in Iran in 1305.He had shown a religious figure before reaching the power .he took quite the opposite policy and tried to obliterate Islamic face existing in the society and made ancient oriented, modernism and secularism lionized against the Islamic culture and spirituality . so he ran to a series of reforms such as unveiling Iranian women in order to simulate the west and also a law was approved in which men were obligated to wear specific European clothes instead of traditional ones and habit .hence unveiling and change in people’s appearance are apprehensible and explicable. In the present research after studying how the clergy and people reacted to unveiling and uniform clothes for men in bibliothecal way and comparing it with different cultural, social and economical properties unto changes it resulted that people’s strong faith to national customs and cultural and religious beliefs are of the most important reasons which people objected to unveiling and clothes change.

Improvement of Periodontal Parameters in Untreated site After Periodontal Surgery at Adjacent sites

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Mohammad Ali Rouzegar, Amirreza Hashemian, Mohamad Reza Havasian, Jafar Panahi and Janet Moradi Haghgoo*

The aim of this study was to find out whether surgical treatments performed on each quadrant would have any influence on the periodontal status of the untreated quadrants. 25 patients with severe chronic periodontitis were selected and received full-mouth scaling and root planning. After 8 weeks, quadrant-wise surgery was performed during four consecutive sessions at 2-week intervals for sites with probing pocket depth (PPD)>5 mm and bleeding on probing (BOP). Clinical parameters including PPD, BOP, and clinical attachment level were recorded at baseline, session prior to surgery, and 8 weeks after last surgical visit. The mean PD of pockets>3mm was reduced from 4.09±1.32 mm at baseline to 1.37±0.87 mm at the end of the study. Although the data from visit six (8 weeks after surgery in quadrant four) showed significant differences compared to those from all other visits. Pockets with a baseline depth of 5 mm >PPD>3 mm, 7 mm> PPD≥ 5 mm, and PPD≥7 mm showed reductions from 3.55±0.35 mm, 4.17±0.22 mm, 7.19±0.54mm, respectively, at baseline to1.18±0.97 mm, 1.35±0.50 mm, 2.64±0.38 mm, respectively, at the end of the study. Overall, mean PAL improved from 4.13±1.37 mm to 3.35±0.83 mm at visit five and decreased slightly to 3.05±0.34 mm after the last visit. BOP decreased from 88.65%±25.25% at baseline to 8.97%±10.67% at the end of study. There was a marked difference between the BOP scores of visits one, two, and three and those of visits four and five. Also, a remarkable difference was observed between the BOP scores of visit six and those of other visits. The treatment plan made at the time of reassessment of the initial phase of therapy should be considered provisional, and it should be open to revision prior to each surgical visit to reconfirm or modify the treatment plan previously devised for the remaining quadrants.

The in vitro study on anti-microbial activity of aqueous extracts of internal shell of walnut against some oral microbial strains

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Mohammad Ali Rouzegar, Amirreza Hashemian, Rasoul Yousefi, Jafar Panahi, Mohamad Reza Havasian and Behzad Houshmand*

Microorganisms are main etiologic causes of periodontal disease and dental caries. Antimicrobial agent with mechanical debridement (as main treatment) can help elimination of microbial factor. Recently extreme usage and non-reasonable application of antimicrobial agent develop bacterial tolerance and side effect associated to existing agent, so it is essential to introduce new antimicrobial agent. Use of therapeutic herbs because of natural type has been considered as a strategy. The main aim of this study was evaluating antimicrobial effect of aqueous extract of internal shell of walnut against some bacterial strain. In this in vitro study, each eight strains of bacteria were cultured in blood agar and MuellerHinton media. Paper disk (with 6mm diameter) containing aqueous extract were located on this media, and measured inhibition zone following 24h. To compare effect of aqueous extract, data were analyzed statistically by one-way ANOVA and Tukey HSD. The antibacterial effect of aquatic extract of internal shell of walnut on A.viscuses, Staph.epidermis was high; on Stah.aureus was moderate; on L.acidophillus, P.gingivalis was low and on Strep.mutans,Strep.salivaris,Strep. sanguis not effected. This study showed that antibacterial effect of aquatic extract of internal shell of walnut on some microbial strain and suggested complementary studies for separation and detection of effective agents of this extract.

The Relationship between Critical Thinking and Extensive Reading on Iranian Intermediate EFL Learners

623-628Full Text

Ali Asghar Eftekhary and Kambiz Besharati Kalayeh*

Reading is an indispensable part of human beings life used even after academic studies. To read effectively, critical thinking is of great significance. Critical thinkers can analyze the texts and spot the problematic parts. They even can offer the solutions and therefore involve their own ideas and contribute to the development of science. This study was a correlational one. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between extensive reading and critical thinking and to compare the male and female participants score on reading comprehension test. The participants chosen were 40 Intermediate EFL learners in Azad University Rasht Branch. They were given two questionnaires regarding critical thinking and extensive reading passages. Their answers to questions were compared. The purpose was to see whether the participants recognized as critical thinkers by means of involving in dealing with critical thinking questionnaires, performed better in extensive reading. Data were analyzed based on the questionnaires. Results showed the high relationship between the two significant variables. The findings also indicated that there was not a significant difference between the scores of two groups.

The effect of pore pressure on the number of ruptured joints in the rock slopes

628-632Full Text

Vahid Hosseinitoudeshki* and Amirhossein kayalha

The behavior of rock masses on the nature is affected by properties of the fractures in rock masses. Therefore, the joints and faults affect the engineering behavior of rock masses and different consequences are followed. In this paper, the rock slope with dip of 60 degree is modeled in rock mass consisting of jointed tuffs. In this modeling the joints with different dips of 0, 30, 45, 60 and 90 degrees are analyzed in static and quasi- static state by using Phase2 software. The obtained results h show that by increasing pore pressure, the number of ruptured joints in slope increased both in static state and quasi- static with this difference that in a fixed pore pressure, the number of ruptured joints in semi static state are more than static state.

Wahhabis in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq

633-637Full Text

Maryam Pooya and Zahra Siahsar*

The history of political thoughts have always had ups and downs and is full of transformations and diversity of perceptions and theories. In such vicissitudinous history various religions and sects with different motives and principles have emerged. Among these sects the Wahhabi sect has got a different origin and course of evolution. Because, although this sect does not have any firm ideology among Islamic scholars, it is up to impose its firm and ossified thoughts on other Muslims and talk others into accepting it as the sole leader of Islamic thought. Muhammad Ibn Abdul Wahhab promoted the Wahhabi sect. Wahhabi sect exists in several Middle East countries, including Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq, and has had strong impact on the security, politics and culture of these countries.

The effect of the disclosure of financial information quality on the relationship between abnormal earning and abnormal stock returns in Tehran Stock Exchange

638-643Full Text

Mehdi Talebghasabi and Leila Lak*

This study examines the impact of the disclosure of financial information quality on the relationship between earnings and abnormal stock returns in Tehran Stock Exchange. to measure the quality of disclosure, the scores allocated to each company published by the Securities and Exchange Tehran and the statement of "the quality of information disclosure and proper" were used. The statistical population of this research includes all companies listed in Tehran Stock Exchange from 2003 until the end of 2011. The statistical sample includes 303 firms (about 2082 years - companies). For the analysis of research data and the models, the hybrid approach is used. Assumptions results showed that there is a positive significant relationship between the abnormal earnings and abnormal returns. The extent of the disclosure of financial information quality has a significant positive impact on the relationship between abnormal stock and abnormal earnings.

A Social Study of Poverty in Charles Dickens’s Hard Times, Bleak House and Oliver Twist

644-650Full Text

Yazdan Bakhsh Gholami* and Abdol Hossein Joodaki

The theme of poverty remains one of the central problems that Charles Dickens focuses and attempts to draw attention of his readers to. The problem of poverty becomes a serious social and economic burden of English society of the late 19th century. This is why Dickens chooses this theme as one of the central themes of his novels. The present thesis is a social study of poverty in Charles Dickens's Hard Times (1992), Bleak House (2003) and Oliver Twist (2003). Underprivileged people including poor children in the society of the Victorian age are socially the disadvantaged members whom this research study will discuss. It is clear that Dickens noted the effect of industrialization on the Victorian society as it created a massive urban development, resulted in a higher class division. The influx of industrialization created a further division of these classes in which there emerged the capitalists or bourgeoisie, who were industrialists such as Mr. Bounderby in Hard Times, and working class, who were the industrial poor workers, of them many lived under squalid condition with poor sanitation leading to fatal diseases and even death. Dickens also portrays the brutal treatment of children at the workhouses. This investigation will indicate that Dickens was a critic of The Poor Law and its administration, as well as the subject of child labor because of his own childhood experience. Moreover, his repugnance is also noted in the way he creates child characters like Oliver Twist who are exploited as child workers. Findings of this critical analysis of Dickens’s selected novels show that Charles Dickens can be considered as a realist and somehow naturalist writer; therefore the subject to be questioned in this thesis is the traces of realism, and naturalism in his social novels in relation to Marxism. This study also shows that although Dickens directly suggests no social reform but he was actively involved in changing the lives of underprivileged people just like a reformist.

Developing a valid tool of treatment seeking behavior survey for Iran

651-660Full Text

Mohammad Amin Bahrami, Omolbanin Atashbahar*, Marzieh Shokohifar and Razieh Montazeralfaraj

Background: Care seeking behavior displays the process of the remedial actions that individuals accept to improvement of their perceived disease. The decision making for the treatment seeking is a dynamic and continual process which can affected with various factors. These factors are divided to internal and external factors. Methods: The current research is a qualitative study that accomplished in four following independent phase. 1. Literature review 2. Interview with the health care experts 3. Process of the Delphi and consensus-building about primary designed tool 4. Survey of Designed tool stability and validity. In the fourth phase, content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by health care experts in process of the Delphi and its internal consistency computed with using by test – retest method and determine of Intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC). Results: results showed that the values were acceptable (>0.7) for each dimension. Also confirmatory factor model were used via AMOS software to determine construct validity and fitness of designed tool that results showed that these criteria including: GFI, AGFI, RMR, IFI, CFI, PRATIO and RMSEA indexes in the default model have acceptable values that these values are following: 0.86, 0.83, 0.05, 0.85, 0.84, 0.87, 0.04. Conclusion: In conclusions Based on these criteria, designed questionnaire fitness, construct validity and reliability was suitable. This tool helps to we see various aspects of treatment seeking behavior and have a more comprehensive view about this subject and assists to explore opportunities and barriers for improvement of the treatment seeking behavior in various local societies.

Composition of Tourmaline in Leucogranite, Pegmatite, Quartz Veins and their Country Rocks from Hajiabad area, Boroujerd, NW Iran

661-672Full Text

Zahra Khodakarami Fard, Reza Zarei Sahameih and Ali Khodakarami Fard*

Tourmaline occurs as an accessory mineral in a variety of rocks including leucogranite, pegmatite, quartz veins and their country rocks in Haji abad area in SE Broujerd. Therefore, four types of tourmaline were distinguished based on its geological occurrences. Except the tourmaline in pegmatite, which is represented by Fe-rich schorl (Al = 6.62–6.85 apfu, Fe/(Fe + Mg) = 0.86–0.95), the rest of tourmalines from leucogranite, quartz veins and hornfels are of schorl-dravite solid-solution composition (Al = 6.41–6.77 apfu, Fe/(Fe +Mg) = 0.31–0.61), and they are richer in Zn (0.13 apfu on average) than the tourmaline from pegmatite (0.02 apfu on average). Tourmaline shows textural and compositional variations in relation with pegmatite type. Subhedral to euhedral prismatic, very fine- to medium-grained (<6 mm - 10 cn), zoned grains are most common. In the country rock, tourmaline a pp€an as prismatic-euhedral very fine grained (<6 mm) crystals. Their Fe/lVIg value charges considerably amongt the different pegmatite types providing insight into the degree of evolution of the associated pegmatites Fe and poorest in Mg are associated vrith the most evolved bodies. Tourmaline from the country rocks shows compositional characteristics in herited from the host schists: similarity of the shape of the REE patterns for tourmaline and the schists, and a high content in Cr, I{f, Th and U. The Jurassic Boroujerd Granitoid Complex, located in Sanandaj-Sirjan zone in west of Iran, consists essentially of quartz diorite, granodiorite and monzogranite which are cut by aplitic and pegmatitic and quartz-tourmaline veins of a few centimetres to 3 meters in thickness. Tourmaline forms one of major minerals in the pegmatite and hydrothermal veins. It also occurs as nodules in the monzogranite. The tourmalines are alkali-rich, with Na being the dominant alkali element present and having small amounts of X-site vacancy. The dominant variability in composition seems controlled by the exchange vector CaMgOn lALl(OH) 1. Chondritenormalized patterns of the rare-earth elements point out the possible contribution of hydrothermal processes to tourmaline formation. The composition of tourmaline indicates the involvement of coupled substitutions i.e., alkalidefect and proton-deficient substitutions, which the latter one is more effective.

Geochemical and Petrological characteristics of the Granitoid Complex of Boroujerd,Western Iran

673-682Full Text

Zahra Khodakarami Fard, Reza Zarei Sahameih and Ali Khodakarami Fard*

The Granitoid Complex of Boroujerd belongs to the Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone (SSZ) in the western of Iran. It is elongated and parallel to the prevailing schistosity in the metamorphic rocks by the trend of NW–SE and consists of quartz diorites, granodiorites, monzogranites and acidic dikes (aplites and pegmatites). This Complex is of sub-alkaline affinity; belong to the high-K calc-alkaline series, metaluminous to weakly peraluminous, and display features typical of I-type granites. Trace and rare-earth elements distribution patterns for the Boroujerd granitoid rocks indicate a distinctive depletion with respect to primitive mantle in Nb, Eu, Sr, Ba, P and Ti relative to other trace elements and a greater enrichment in LILE compared to HFSE. These geochemical characteristics suggest that these rocks derived from a crustal source. The granitoid Boroujerd has geochemical characteristics typical of arc intrusives and plot as volcanic arc granites on various discriminant diagrams. This granitoid is typical representatives of a volcanic arc environment, spatially related to an active continental margin. Probably, it is the result of the subduction of Neo- Tethyan oceanic crust below the Iranian microcontinent. All available data are compatible with the idea that these rocks represent the products of convergent margin processes during the Mesozoic.

Prevention of shoot tip necrosis, hyperhydricity and callus production associated with in vitro shoot culture of Ulmus glabra

683-689Full Text

Seyedeh Maryam Mirabbasi and Batool Hosseinpour*

Ulmus glabra is economically important forest species, greatly valued for its timber quality and its landscape. Unfortunately it is in danger of extinction due to Dutch Elm Disease. Therefore, an efficient micropropagation method is of considerable importance for breeding and genetic improvement of elm. Explants of two mature donor trees of Ulmus glabra investigated for the influence of medium, composition media and growth regulators on proliferation in terms of physiological disorders include apical necrosis, callus production and hyperhydricity which may cause trouble with in vitro shoot proliferation. Low level of Topolin reduced significantly these abnormities; however BAP especially in combination with TDZ worsened them. Compared to MS medium, best results were obtained on the modified ME medium (supplemented with 0.2 mg l-1 Topolin, 10 mg l -1 glutamine, 100 mg l-1 sequestrene and double concentration of MgSO4 and KH2PO4). Modified ME significantly increased elongation and improved vigor of in vitro shoots.